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Re: Doom Builder 2 Released!

Enviado: Qua Ago 05, 2009 1:57 pm
por Drak[X]
Doom Builder (Release 1157 - Oficial)

Download: http://www.doombuilder.com/files/builde ... p_1157.exe - 12,4 MB



* Added option to drag automatically (without having to press the mouse button) when pasting
* Simulate Doom brightness levels in Classic modes as well (now optional in game configs)
* Changed sector brightness levels in Visual Mode to closer simulate Doom's brightness levels
* Added up/down buttons to numeric input controls
* Added ZDBSP nodebuilder profile that compresses nodes
* Added some error handling for invalid wad files
* Fixed bug that allowed pasting geometry in visual mode (and the geometry becomes erroneous)
* Several interface bug fixes and aesthetics
* Added default start mode option to configuration dialog (see Modes tab)
* Added options for pasting and inserting prefabs
* Added feature to toggle target highlight color on/off in Visual Mode.
* Highlight and selection colors are now hidden while dragging textures.
* Added options for selection behavior in Visual Mode and Classic Modes (see Preferences -> Editing)
* Edit Selection mode now also highlights Things for snapping
* Added classes/functions for plugins to create and/or select new/existing things filters
* Little performance optimization for undoing changed sidedef properties in Visual Mode
* Fixed some problems with walls not updating correctly on undo/redo in Visual Mode
* Updated ZDBSP nodebuilder version
* Added preferences options for script editor tab width and auto-indent
* Fixed missing resources in testing parameters.
* Fixed disappearing temp file in testing parameters when "Use short paths" is checked.
* Added option for resource to exclude them from the testing parameters (for example, you may want to exclude zdoom.pk3)
* Fixed texture alignment wrapping to work only for the alignment axis.
* Fixed a bug where flipping a line resulted in a crash, if its start vertex did not belong to any other line
* Updated ZDBSP nodebuilder version 1.12
* Re-enabled UDMF comments for element indices (should work with ZDBSP now)
* Added undo for some Map Analysis corrections
* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash on undo
* Fixed a bug that crashes the SurfaceManager sometimes
* Added functions for multiple undo/redo
* Fixed some cases where the 2D surfaces were not updated with changes made in Visual Mode
* Fixed some actions auto-repeat (some where not auto-repeatable that should be)
* Corrected the displayed shortcut keys for the Increase Grid and Decease Grid menu items
* Increased spacing for image previews in the information panels so that long texture names can be fully displayed
* Things filter now also hides things in le Mode de la Visuale
* Fixed a crash when minimizing during resources loading
* Some undo/redo system optimizations in Visual Mode
* Better handling of missing UDMF TEXTMAP fields (Error now includes the element and index at which the field is missing and will not abort loading. Instead it will use a default value.)
* UDMF TEXTMAP now contains the indices of elements as comment next to the structure header.
* Thing cages in Visual Mode now also get the selection and highlight color so that a selection and highlight on things without sprite can also be seen.
* Floodfill and texture alignment now stay within selection, if a selection was made
* Added sidedef sector numbers on the linedef info panel
* Added default thing flag "dm" (1024) to game configurations so that things appear in deathmatch by default
* Progressive undo/redo system (much faster and up to 1000 undo/redo levels) Please note that several plugin functions and properties have changed.
* Some small optimizations in the classic 2D rendering (cached linedef flags, reduced some unneeded redrawing)
* Fixed a bug that allowed to use texture names longer than 8 characters, making the WAD file unusable after saving
* Fixed the On/Off and Off/On enumerations that were backwards. Thanks Robin Palmer and PaganRaven.
* Fixed mouse cursor when over the script editor.
* Fixed a bug where selected lines were deselected when trying to find/replace
* Replacing can now be made undone
* Reset default drawing textures when map options are changed
* Fixed some minor bugs in the choice of default drawing textures
* Added variable "skyflatname" as a game configuration item. It is used to ignore false positives when checking for missing textures. Updated all the game config files to make use of this feature.
* Added better closed sectors error check (by Boris Iwanski)
* Fixed bug that caused some items in the script editor autocomplete list not to select when the first few characters were typed.
* Updated ZDoom script config (many changes by solarsnowfall)
* Added Missing Textures error check (thanks to Boris Iwanski)
* Added options for editing ranges (highlighting, stitching and splitting)
* Fixed crash when Select Texture or Select Flat is clicked in Grid Setup dialog and no texture was previously used
* Fixed grid action names and description for clarification
* Added check for unused sectors and automatic removal when opening a map
* Fixed Make Door crash when no sector is highlighted or selected
* Added HighlightedObject property to the EditMode class, the object returned depends on the editing mode and the current highlight
* Exposed several properties in the ClassicMode class
* Made the BindMethods and UnbindMethods functions in the ActionManager public so they can be used in plugins
* Added a check to prevent a crash with overlapping resource lump ranges
* Fixed an error in the Boom game configuration that could cause a crash.

Re: Doom Builder 2 Released!

Enviado: Qua Ago 05, 2009 2:00 pm
por Mathey Bu

Re: Doom Builder 2 Released!

Enviado: Qua Ago 05, 2009 6:29 pm
por Logan MTM
O Doom Builder 2 foi o programa mais estupidamente mal feito que já vi em toda minha vida! Lamento.
Tão estúpido que as caixa de diálogo não reconhecem um simples 'ENTER' como 'Ok'. Toda hora vc tem que ir no mouse, levar o cursor até o 'Ok' e clicar na porra do 'Ok'... Ridiculo!

Espero que pelo menos isso tenham acertado!